God’s word: blessed to be here

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Hello to all who reads this, I’ve been on hiatus for a while. I didn’t want to force a blog entry out of nothing. So I decided to lay low until the time was right.

Tomorrow August 25, 2018, marks 37 years since my life changed even before entering the world. The earlier years had many obstacles and mountains to climb. I struggled to fit in. All of you know my story by now, thanks to my wonderful friend Jaycee.

I am slowly learning that it’s okay to be me. I’m not supposed to follow the world I’m supposed to obey God. I’m not supposed to do everything the world does. I’m not supposed to believe and accept everything the world does. I’m supposed to love the world, just as God does.

I used to scream and cry, why me, why did this happen to me. Every time something went wrong, or I couldn’t experience life just like everyone else, I would wonder why, instead of being grateful for what I had.

I made all kinds of plans in my head and when they didn’t turn out the way I thought they should. I got angry. I went in the wrong direction for a long time. I didn’t look to God for guidance.

Today I thank God for all the blessings he had bestowed upon me through the many hard lessons in life, even when I didn’t deserve them. I’m sorry that I didn’t trust you in the past. I’m sorry that put all my trust in what I could see instead of God who was looking for a place in my heart. I shouldn’t have to see to believe in what my God can do.

Today because of God’s grace I can say I am blessed to have cerebral palsy because God is using me to show what he is capable of doing. God loves and protects his children even the broken ones.

I may not be able to walk, but I can talk.
I don’t have to walk to communicate.

I may not have a college degree, but I have my high school diploma.
I don’t have to go to college to prove that I have an education. Some people can handle college others cannot, and that’s okay.

I may not be a part of the workforce, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the determination to live life to the best of my ability.

I may not have a husband and children to love, but I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, aunt, Godmother friend, and a kind stranger. Isn’t that amazing I don’t have to be in love to show love.

The moral of this story is we all have our way of living life; we shouldn’t have the desire to be the same as someone else.

Thank you for joining me to celebrate my 37th year of surviving the car accident. If you don’t know the story, feel free to click the link below to learn more.


I wish I could thank everyone individually who made my life what it is today. The best way to do that is to say thank you for being a friend.



Published on Feb 8, 2011, Youtube

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