Let go and let God take over

If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always “me first,” Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, Doesn’t revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.

1 Corinthians 13: 6-7 MSG

I haven’t done this in a while I know. Something has been on my mind lately.  How do we cope when we find out someone we love and admire is fighting cancer?  Oh how I dislike that word.  I think of it as the devil reincarnated.  Everything is going well, and all of a sudden, it feels like your life has exploded into smithereens when you hear the word cancer your brain does not comprehend anything else after hearing the word cancer.

I just have one thing to say to cancer as long as I live, you will never tear me away from God, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

I know someone who was recently diagnosed with cancer. I will respect his privacy at this time and not give any specifics. After getting over the initial shock, I was lying in bed one night and all of a sudden I just started pouring my heart out to God. Have you ever spoken out loud to God? It is very powerful and cleansing to the soul. After I was finished talking, I felt huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.


My message today is if you ever feel helpless scared or angry, and you don’t feel like talking to anyone. Give it to God; let him know how you feel.


God bless I hope to get back into the swing of things when it comes to blogging. I will narrow it down to at least once a week. Next week I plan to share what I’ve been up to lately.


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