God’s word: Don’t give up.

So you must be brave. Don’t give up! God will honor you for obeying him. 2 Chronicles 15:7: Contemporary English Version

I admit there are several times I’ve wanted to give up on reading the Bible because the more I read the more I have trouble comprehending what was being said. It was hurting my heart knowing something was trying to stop me from hearing God’s word.  I tried several versions of the Bible; I wasn’t finding the right version that fit my needs.  Most of the ones I wanted to try didn’t have audio attached to it.


I got a funny feeling telling me to try searching on Spotify, I searched the Bible and a few versions came up King James and Contemporary English Version. As soon as I heard a few chapters of the Contemporary English Version I started to get a glimmer of hope.  I then researched some more and found out that I could download the Contemporary English Version of the Bible to my computer for free.  Without that funny feeling sending me to Spotify I would’ve continued going through the motions of reading the Bible, not being able to comprehend anything the Bible has to offer.


I am now able to listen to the Bible with an open mind and an open heart. I will share info about downloading the entire Bible to your computer at the end, so stay tuned.


Christian music also has an effect on me; it re-energizes me in so many ways. Certain Christian songs have a way of motivating me.  One song in particular is called It’s Not Over Yet by: for King & Country.  The song will appear at the bottom of my blog entry, along with the Bible information.


I am currently in the middle of the book of Job is a very interesting book; the devil is trying to lure Job away from God by taking the things he had worked for and cherished. Job is in the middle of a very heated debate with his friends about God.


No matter how easy or hard times get God is always there to lend a helping hand to guide you through you just have to be patient and follow God. [The Narrow Gate] Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. But the gate to life is very narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.

Matthew 7:13-14 CEV

Here is the information on the Bible search Faith comes by hearing, and it will lead you to Bible.is that’s where you can download the Bible for free on any device.


Here are the words to the song It’s Not Over Yet By for King & Country.

Courtesy Of YouTube

Thank you For visiting God bless !


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