God’s word: Parking

Verse of the Day

And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

Ephesians 6:10 MSG

Today is day 8 of reprioritizing my life.  Over the weekend I finished reading the book of Judges.  I’ve never been so glad to finish a book; the book of Judges was too violent for me.  They described everything from cutting off fingers to the most gruesome deaths.

Then today I started and finished the book of Ruth.  That was an awesome book.  I really enjoyed it.  It’s only 4 short chapters long so I will not give too much away.  I will encourage you to read it.

Yesterday was day 7 of my workout routine; even though it was the weekend I still kept up my Bible reading and workout routine.

Saturday I was able to get out and about, it was such a beautiful weekend.  Surprisingly, I didn’t have any problems getting in and out of my vehicle.  Normally I have to deal with space hogs; this is someone that parks anywhere they want without any consideration for people with wheelchairs.

I would like to give you some friendly advice.  Please do not park in a handicapped spot with lines next to them, unless you really need them.  The blue lines or for people that have to have assistance getting out of their vehicle.  This includes people that have to depend on wheelchairs and walkers to get around.

Please do not use the handicapped lines as a parking space, they are not meant for parking.  I have seen cars parked on the blue lines using them as a parking spot.

Sometimes my mom and I get so frustrated; we often talk about getting a traffic cone to block people from trying to park on the blue lines after we parked in our designated handicapped spot.  Some people take up 2 spaces.  When I go back out to my vehicle, my mom ends up having to back up and move over so I can get in.

I have also encountered vehicles that like to block handicapped accessible ramps.  I understand that you are possibly in a hurry and you will not be staying long, but you cannot block a handicap accessible ramp.  What happens if it’s the only handicapped accessible ramp?  I shouldn’t have to wait for you to move your car.  You shouldn’t be parked there in the first place.

In closing please be mindful of where you park, it would make it a lot easier for people like me.  Thank you.

Thank you for visiting today, and God bless

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